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Re: erm.. hehe my parents and bf r really religouse!

I have the same problem too, except my boyfriend is wiccan just the same. Arent Parents supposed to love their child no matter what though? I think If you just tell them bluntly, "Mom, dad I have doing this and I know how you feel but its something I really am Happy doing and this is the path I choose". They will get over it in time. Besides, they cant force religion upon you though. Dont worry, things will work out in time. We all have a little fear of telling those we love too! ^.^ Believe me I know. Good luck and blessed be!

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my rents and bf and well almost every1 else i know r really REALLY religous and i have NO clue how 2 tell them iv tried 2 tell my mom a couple times and shes like it satanic and iv TRIED to prove that it isnt but she wont listen... and im 2 scared 2 bring it up with my bf and dad.. HELP i feal good with this religon iv tried to be a "good" christian but i never understood this and i cant stand how they have treated other religons... please help me...

lilly shadow