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what is your thoughts on a natural witch?

hi I've been into this belief for some time without knowing it. My mom would say I was a natural witch. I could make things without knowing I was doing it. I've had lots of things happen and don't understand. I'm practicing now because my mother started teaching me before I moved away from home. I don't know when I'll be ready for whatever else comes my way. I guess I'm asking for help and guidance and how to accomplish rituals on my own please if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.
Thanx for your time

Re: What are your thoughts on a natural witch?

In all honesty, since I don't know anything else, I don't believe there is such a thing as a "natural witch". You're entire family could be witches, but that doesn't make you one. Wicca is a religion, not a hereditary condition. You are what you want to be. As for rituals, go with what you want. It sounds really lame and you must have heard it a hundred times (I know I certainly have), but it's true. Whenever I do a ritual, I usually use one color coordinated votive candle (convenient, cheap, and found almost anywhere), some coordinating herbs if I have any, and any knick-knacks I find around the house and yard that relate to the ritual. I don't bother using rhyming words because I can't do it to save my skin, although it can definitely set the mood. Either way the folks "up there" know my intentions. Just seriously go with what you want and like. Best wishes and blessed be.