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709th Maint Bn. & The 99th CSB

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709th Maint Bn. & The 99th CSB
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Update on Dean

Here is the latest update on Dean.
His tumor is cancerous and has spread throughout his body. He was home until Monday when he woke up confused and they took him back to the hospital.
They are having to put him in hospice. I would ask everyone to say a prayer for him and please be respectful and not load Kathy up with phone calls. If you wish to contact her please message her on Dean's phone or just send her a card. She is having it rough enough right now.
We are all about to loose a dearly loved Brother who has brought us all many happy times. Let us all keep those happy memories during this time and show our respect for him and his family. He can not talk or text on his phone as he is too confused right now.
Below is a post Beth made a sort while ago.
Beth Anne Ayres
19m ·
This man, this unbelievable man that I am lucky enough to call Dad is going on hospice tomorrow. That's all I got...😭🤧

Beth Anne Ayres
is feeling proud with Dean W. Ayres
and 4 others
8h ·
My Dad, copied from Kevin Smith
, thank you for saying what I couldn't. ❤💔❤
The man, the myth, legend and friend is hopefully going into hospice tomorrow for his final ride home!
A true “ good old boy” gentleman in every sense of the word
A loving husband, father and grandfather. His family and friends mean everything to him.
Despite his bravado, Kathy was the boss! Unfortunately his son Kevin and grandson Kyle are just like him, they tell you how to do things right ( their way). Thank god for Beth ( don’t listen to them)
A VERY PROUD Vietnam Veteran who served his Country proudly!! He served in the 709th Maint Bn & 99th Combat Support Bn. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his heroism!!!!
He annually held a reunion for his “Always Able ” Brothers at his home.
The food, events, entertainment, and fireworks were top notch. The camaraderie was heart warming not to mention the homemade moonshine
He is an accomplished Barbecue Competitor who won numerous awards in his many competitions. He shared his love for barbecue by catering numerous events beyond expectations. He also enjoyed frying numerous turkeys during the holidays for anyone in his self designed deep fryer
He has a mind like no others, he can envision something and build it better. He is the true McGyver
If you needed a tool repaired, a knife sharpened, a food truck repaired he is the man to go to! But keep in mind, the whole time he will give you hell in a kind way because you can’t do it and he is the only one to do it the right way. He enjoyed being needed
I am sure I am missing many things for which I apologize
You will be missed my friend, no words can ever express how much you mean to us