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Prophetic Dreams and Visions

We would like to know what the Lord is speaking and showing his prophetic people in this hour. This is a safe place to share your dreams and visions. In Acts Chapter 2 Peter preached the first sermon after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. He said that in the last days the Lord was going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. He went on to say that there would be dreams and visions and prophecy. According to Bible prophecy, we are living in the later part of those last days. People are receiving dreams and visions from the Lord like never before. This message board is provided for the edification and fellowship of those Christians that are hearing the Lord in dreams and visions. Remember to be patient. Sometimes the Lord doesn't provide interpretations right away. We don't want to rush anyone! Holy Spirit, speak your truth, in love! Amen!

Prophetic Dreams and Visions
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A Message from Almighty God


Who do you people think you are to tell Me what I should or should not do? Who gave you the right to tell Me who I should or should not put on My shoulder?
She is My creation; she has a heart that can be changed when that heart is touched by the truth. Who gave you the right to judge or condemn her? I am the Lord, the God of all creation; I created her in My own image and likeness. I did not come for the righteous but for the sinner man.
The cry of the poor, widow and fatherless came to Me and I hearkened to their cry. The innocent blood is crying out from beneath the earth; there is no justice in this nation for them, every one of you are only looking out for yourselves; I, me, and myself. What about those who are hungry and dying? Who do they have to look out for them? I Am the great I AM, that is who they have the I AM.
Greed never satisfied, it is a spirit that is never satisfied, its quiver is full and running over, and yet it is never satisfied. Which one of you will purchase a house and move in there and live in it without cleaning and before putting things in order? Why don’t you work with her and give her a chance?
You have made evil your cup, and wickedness your bread, because you rather darkness more than light. So, bitterness and sorrow will be your joy.
I was looking for a man and I found a woman. I Am God. I put up and I pull down. There is no man who can tell Me what to do. I am the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I Am the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the Ending, I Am the First and the Last, I Am the one who started it and I will finish it.
Why are you people tempting Me? Yes, I Am God I am plenteous in Mercy and My Grace is sufficient for any sinner who becomes a saint. I say My people perish because of the lack of knowledge. You are trying Me. You are not fighting against the government that is on My shoulder, you are coming up against Me. I want you to know that I, the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whom so ever I will, and sets up over it the basest of men. I am the one who rules in the affairs of men, when you are an upright nation your nation will be blessed, but it will be overthrown by the mouth of the wicked. Hell and destruction are never full, so are the eyes of man never satisfied.
You, who are coming up against Me, don’t you know it is hard to kick against the ****** You are an evil nation, you are ungrateful and unthankful, Mark My Words your day is coming. I the Lord thy God will repay you of the evil that you are doing.
When everything is said and done, remember where there is a beginning there must be an ending. Do you know what the end is going to be like? Can you see what is around a corner? Yet you want to predict the future and yet you are coming up against Me? Promotion comes from Me not man. Look around the world, what do you think? Are you bigger than I Am? What are you saying; that you are untouchable? Be careful, do not tempt Me. I am saying to you: though you exalt yourselves as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down. I Am the Lord God that brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.
My child, I told you that I will not destroy this place with or by disaster, but you the people will take your own hands and eyes and destroy your selves.
But when you are touching My people, who are the poor, the widow and the fatherless, you are touching Me and taking Me for a mockery, so I will have to take back My Word and deal with you Myself. I will repent of My Word that I have spoken about you destroying yourselves. I am saying to you people, My hands are not shortened that they cannot reach, neither are My ears heavy that I cannot hear, My eyes are not blind that I cannot see. It is your iniquities that have brought separation between you and Me. Because of your sins I have hid My face from you.
Daughter I am angry, I say there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of destruction. Is this nation ready to face destruction? Hell and destruction are never full. You are mere mortal, what do you know? You can’t even see pass your nostrils much more the future. Do you want to revile, lament and complain about something? I can give you something to weep, mourn and to gnash your teeth about. Don’t take Me for granted I Am the I AM, the Great I AM. You want to tell Me who I must use and who I must not. I created this universe with My own hands, My ways are above your ways and My thoughts are above your thoughts.
There are many of you who are saying that you are My servants and that you know Me. Do you have a relationship with Me? It is only when you have a relationship with Me, then you can say you know Me and you are My servant. Yet you are saying I am your master. If I am your master, why are you not submitting, humbling and obeying Me? Why are you not spendin