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Prophetic Dreams and Visions

We would like to know what the Lord is speaking and showing his prophetic people in this hour. This is a safe place to share your dreams and visions. In Acts Chapter 2 Peter preached the first sermon after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. He said that in the last days the Lord was going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. He went on to say that there would be dreams and visions and prophecy. According to Bible prophecy, we are living in the later part of those last days. People are receiving dreams and visions from the Lord like never before. This message board is provided for the edification and fellowship of those Christians that are hearing the Lord in dreams and visions. Remember to be patient. Sometimes the Lord doesn't provide interpretations right away. We don't want to rush anyone! Holy Spirit, speak your truth, in love! Amen!

Prophetic Dreams and Visions
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What Darkness Means in Dreams: Interpretations and Spiritual Insights

What Does Darkness Mean in Dreams?
Dreams are a mirror of the unconscious, often showing us things — thoughts, feelings emotions and fears that we might not recognize in life. When we dream of darkness, it may indicate a number of emotions and events depending on the context — from fear, to uncertainty, introspection or transformation.

Fear and Uncertainty
Fear is one of the most common interpretations when it comes to darkness in a dream. If you are a dreaming of being in the dark, this can signify that there is something going on in your life which makes us uncertain. It may be a fear about something else going on in your life (a new job, moving to another town or ending a relationship for example). The darkness is used to represent those things that we cannot see or are not comprehensible, but bother the subject nonetheless.

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