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Prophetic Dreams and Visions

We would like to know what the Lord is speaking and showing his prophetic people in this hour. This is a safe place to share your dreams and visions. In Acts Chapter 2 Peter preached the first sermon after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. He said that in the last days the Lord was going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. He went on to say that there would be dreams and visions and prophecy. According to Bible prophecy, we are living in the later part of those last days. People are receiving dreams and visions from the Lord like never before. This message board is provided for the edification and fellowship of those Christians that are hearing the Lord in dreams and visions. Remember to be patient. Sometimes the Lord doesn't provide interpretations right away. We don't want to rush anyone! Holy Spirit, speak your truth, in love! Amen!

Prophetic Dreams and Visions
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visions of Indianapolis, Kansas, Chicago, San Francisco, Plainfield, Indiana nuked, america attacked

Chicago destroyed---after talking with my pastor for about 6 hours on his porch, he went into his home, and while sitting on his porch alone, Jesus gave me a vision. In the vision, It was like I was on the banks of Lake Michigan, and could see Chicago in the distance with its tall skyscrapers, and it was daytime. I saw a missile streak into the heart of the city and explode. It was like going into a dark room, and turning the light on. The city was gone that quick.------------------Kansas will burn---In this vision, I'm high above the ground in the kansas area, and the ground has a dark brown appearance, and the surrounding states are separated by black borderlines. All of a sudden, the entire state of Kansas explodes into a fireball that engulfed the entire state. The fire ball rose high into the air, and quickly receded, but, the state kept burning. Then I heard these words, "kansas will burn".-------Indianapolis nuked------After my second hour of prayer, I layed down, and the Lord gave me a day vision, and a night vision. In both of them, I saw Indianapolis nuked. In one, I was on the street, and it was night time, or the sun was blocked out by smoke. Looking toward downtown, the ground was covered with fire that looked like molten steel coming out of the furnace going down the line, like lava. I coulkd feel the searing heat coming from it as it raced toward me. A second went off high in the air behind me over about the top of the Indy 500 race track. I turned and saw it flashing thru the smoke. I knew this one was going to take me out, so I asked God a question, He answered me, and the vision ended.---judgement to plainfield, Indiana------it was dark and raining, and I was going to walmart in plainfield, Indiana, and I was living in mycar. Idon't remeber exactly what I was thinking, but, I went into a vision, and saw the sky turn into fire, and I heard a big explosion. I felt like sinking into my seat after seeing this....San Francisco nuked--In this vision, it is like i'm in the ocean, and I could see the golden gate bridge, and I knew this was san francisco. All of asudden, I saw a fire ball that kept going, till the vision ended------america attacked from oceans by subs-------in these two visions---in the first, I saw an animated map of the western half of america and the ocean. Going from top to bottom along the west coast, and about the midway poing of the nation, were dark black stripes. In the second vision, I saw the easter part of the united states, and the ocean. Going from top to bottom along the east coast was a dark black stripe. I asked Jesus what this meant, and here are the words I heard, "this represents fire"-"from the oceans"