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Prophetic Dreams and Visions

We would like to know what the Lord is speaking and showing his prophetic people in this hour. This is a safe place to share your dreams and visions. In Acts Chapter 2 Peter preached the first sermon after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. He said that in the last days the Lord was going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. He went on to say that there would be dreams and visions and prophecy. According to Bible prophecy, we are living in the later part of those last days. People are receiving dreams and visions from the Lord like never before. This message board is provided for the edification and fellowship of those Christians that are hearing the Lord in dreams and visions. Remember to be patient. Sometimes the Lord doesn't provide interpretations right away. We don't want to rush anyone! Holy Spirit, speak your truth, in love! Amen!

Prophetic Dreams and Visions
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My Dreams

1) I was in Jerusalem. I ran out of the building I was in and heard a radio broadcast that Jerusalem was being destroyed. I saw buildings on fire and cars driving out of control, pure chaos. I had a vision of Giants hitting the buildings. I ran to the outskirts of town, and saw this monument, with people worshiping around it. It was blocks stacked on top of each other, gradually getting smaller in number, like a crude pyramid. There was one symbol I recognized, an eye on the top block. Jesus walked up and stood beside me. He said to me, "Look in Acts and John." I ran back into the desolate city and got a bible, then came back and started going through it. I turned around and saw Jesus riding off into the horizon. (If you didn't know, It says in John that when Jerusalem was destroyed, the rapture would follow soon after. In Acts, It talks about the 7 chosen to serve, one being named Stephen, like me)
2) I was in a war-torn city; I seemed to be caught in the middle of a gunfight between two armies. I was in the building with American Soldiers, and then a grenade flew in, and I dove out just as it blew up; the other soldiers killed. I was backed into a corner by a creature that could have only come from Hell. Then another came up, and they started to fight over me, so I ran off towards the woods. On my way I ran through the area where the Americans were keeping the dead. They were on tables, thousands of them. I ran into the woods and saw rivers of ice and polar animals, signifying the melting of the polar ice caps.
3) I was going to heaven in the rapture. It's difficult to describe this. First off, everything is dark blue, or black. I was going away from Earth, and towards this portal of light in space. People all around me were flying up towards the light. This was the rapture. I was going, and I looked up and saw Jesus in the portal, and he said to me "Don't forget the Blind", so I turned to see millions of sad faces on earth, and I went back to earth. (This was when I knew I wouldn't be going in the rapture, and I would be staying to help people.)
4) I ran out of my house and saw that my neighbors’ trees and yard was on fire. I asked what happened, and he said he didn't know. I looked up and saw thousands of balls of fire falling, hitting and blowing up everywhere. It seemed to catch all the grass and trees on fire. (There is a judgement in revelation where 13 of the greens of the earth is burned up by fireballs.)
5) I was on an Island with other people. This was post rapture. We thought we were safe, but then I looked to the horizon and saw battleships coming. Then I heard the sound of incoming shells. I told everyone to take cover. The shells started to hit, people and dirt were flying everywhere. I was the only one who survived. Some of the troops came ashore and lit a bonfire to celebrate. The Antichrist was with them, and yes I saw him. I won't tell you what he looks like, that's for me. I was hiding, when a soldier approached me and told me that if I killed the Antichrists' son, he wouldn't turn me in. So I saw his son and shot him, and everyone heard the shot. They started chasing me, and I was able to fight them off. I saw some of my friends come to shore on a boat, and I got in and got away. (I won't tell what the antichrist looks like because it is not my place to do so. People must recognize him their self.)
6) I was at my old house, which was on a big hill. It was me, my brother, and my friend standing out by my dad's truck. The phone inside it rang, and my brother answered it. He hung it up and said, "All they said was "Hell is coming"". I grabbed 3 box cutters, which seemed to be the only weapons available, and handed them out. We looked towards the driveway and saw a blue truck coming up the driveway, the inside was pitch black, we couldn't see inside.