Create a Monkey greeting card!

Design your own Monkey greeting card and send it to a friend on the internet. Step by step you will be shown how to construct a card. Once it is finished, you can preview it and decide if it needs any changes. Once you are happy with it, hit SEND and your friend will receive notification by e-mail that there is a Monkey greeting card waiting to be picked up.

NOTE: Have "Monkey Magic" or "Gandhara" playing over your greeting card by selecting it in the Select a background sound box on the Other Options page!

Commercial use of these images without permission is strictly prohibited - the images contained herein are copyrighted as follows:
(c) 1978 - 2004 NTV / Kokusai Hoei
(c) 2003 Steven MccCombe
(c) 2003 Steve Sims

Image Selection
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Preview and Send
Select the image for your Greeting Card from the scrollbox at right and preview your image below.
Click the image to select it for your card.


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