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Re: try again

Dumb republicans still waiting for the list of companies that make 40% or more profit.I would like to buy some of there stock. Most companies don't make over 10%. most companies make much less than that. Your local grocery stores run on less than 2% margan. think about that next time you go shopping for food.
Darrell so sorry man. it a shame that you work hard make a great product and cant get ahead not cuz of those things but cuz our government will not give you a even playing field. i hope and pray that some day that will change for you and all the other that have gone thur that.
Scott your right about the EPA they have made it hard for companies and some may have move just for that. but i don't think that was the only reason they left. it was just one more reason. look i like to fish and hunt and walk/ride thur the woods. nobody whats those places to be clean more than me.
Big Mike i am not sure what your trying to say.yes there CEO get pd way to much. so do actors,baseball players,basketball player to name a few.Mike i what you to think about this for a second.if big oil losses those tax breaks what do you thing you will see at the pumps. I think the government need to change it and tell them that if they what the breaks then they need to drill here and get away from those foke that take billion and billions of cash a way from the USA and would like to kill every one of us. also if you didn't know the gov has a tax of i think 35 cents a gal.it will expire in the next few weeks. they are talking about extending it.
independent. GE really you talking about one of the biggest company in the world didn't pay taxes last year. that's right they didn't but they did put a lot of money in the president pocket. thing that make you go hummmmmmmmm.

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