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Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Had a fine fox race this mornin 5 hours of nonstop action 7 more days mine are as ready as they gona get hope its enuff!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash


Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Ga. Boys where kicked last week by carolina boys and Fl boys are going to kick it this week.

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

whats gonna be the top 10 in each class. I know someone has some predictions

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

We're going to start taking entries around 4:30 and turn out at daylight

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Only a few more days my hounds are resting good lookin forward to saturday!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

You Fl Boys better call an gets some numbers. Ga,Boys are calling with one thing on there mind[taking the title back to Ga,]

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

What's rong with tha fla boys? They don't want to play? Win or lose my units are ready to stretch one out!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash


Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash


Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Lets get it on......]

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

I'm gonna say tht the. Blakshear georgia gang is comin wit steam they are my pick. The robersons and mr. Ray teston take this one to the house. Good luck to everyone should be a good one. Better also watch all the guyz that run in there every single week ecspecially pen members their dogs have never seen nothin but the o.t.e and its a huge edge because I'm sure the pen members arnt lettn anyone run wit them until after the hunt!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Mr. Scoop last weekend dogs from Georgia and Florida ran that were not pen members. Every pen has home field advantage to local hunters. I will be first in line to shake the winners hand. This calibre of hunters should make for a first class hunt.

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

And that's great but how big a differance does it make when u run once as pen members and only there certain buddies run week in and week out while the rest of every one prepares in there local puppy hunt pens. I'm just sayn the pen operators or whom ever will collect entrys from every one but u hav to be invited to prepare there. Fair? I'm like most all hunters when it comes to losing it will happen way more than winning but I garantee tht the pen members winning percentage is way higher than any other kennel or all kennels combined I'm sure. Just stateing the obvious if regular hunters with out deep pockets could train there I bet those percentages would go way down and u wouldn't see the same guys in the top ten every hunt thrown when pen members run. Is it u have great hounds? I'm sure they are ok but I can take an average dog that knows a pen or game tendancies and wax super hounds tht don't run ther 9 outta 10 times. Yes pen members hold an edge and the very few guys tht get up there in placings tht don't train there must have way better hounds than they are gettn credit for.

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

I have never heard anyone say I called a pen member about running and was turned down.Can you name me a pen that don't have pen members or local hunters that run an train dogs in that pen.Go back look up results over the years in other pens.Scoop you may see names of pen members winning with sorry a.. average dogs in other places.

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Never said anyone had sorry hounds. But do u think that pen members just hav tht dominate of dog? No they don't. There are great hounds that won't do anything there for lack of prep. As far as members turnin people down, I have never seen members prep for a hunt there when they were givin out jakes choice but when there is dash for cash guess who gets readdddyy? That's right members so why in the world would they let just everyone come run when all they see is green? You can't make me believe tht u guyz don't hold the edge. As far as other pens I don't know of another pen that u have to beg a member to be his buddy for one day unless u leave the state. I'm just sayin if it was open one day a week to public hunters y'all might start seeing those placings hard to come by. For exsample if mr. Dean brought his six time champion down to this hunt would she win against a member? Most likley not. But go to her house my friend and you'll be clappin while he gets the check. I'm just sayin!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Scoop, it seems to me you spend more time at your computer, than running your dogs.

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

I feel like if you beat them in ther home pen that means you got a good hound that can get it done! Just my opinion!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

scoop how do u know how pen members are preping for a hunt if ur not allowed to hunt their. ive own a bunch of sorry hounds but ive owned a few very good ones also that could win in ur backyard or anywere their feet touched the ground . a good hound never knows he dont have home field advanatage if hes in the right place running the game with his nose and ability like a good hound should

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Look I'm not sayin nothin but guys that run in there have an edge that's all. If u have a great hound in a puppy pen he ain't gonna know how to act in a big pen. He will tend to use the road more to get back to the race and spend more time gettn there than actually getting scored. U can take that same dog and run him in a huge pen wit big blocks and in two mnths he will be a way better competitor for placing. He will understand its big league hunting now and the fastest way to a race is through a block rather than around a huge block. Dogs that are often ran in that pen understand that. Its not that they are way better hounds in all cases its that they have a better understanding of game tendacies and the best way to get to a race. Now on the reverse u can take a big pen dog and drop him with a hound thts traind in a small pen and while he is tryin to go through the woods the other hound will be grabin 80 percent of the crossins because the fastest way around a puppy pen is a hound tht Will use the road. Its not a trait I like but u will get whipped EVERY time by a road savy hound its not that its a bad hound its just wht he was traind to do because the lack of pen time in member only type pens.

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Congrats to rickey courson and joey lee on yals wins and everyone else that placed!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Congrats to rickey courson and joey lee on yals wins and everyone else that placed!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Congrats to Rickey and Joey on the win. Also congrats to Pat and Tony and Jimmy White and all the others that placed. Had a good time this weekend seeing you guys again and greatly appreciated the hospitality and good food! Also wanted to thank the judges for staying out in the heat today to get the scores, Good Job!

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

Congrats to Joey and Rickey.Also Dash For Cash title is now resting in bulldog country.Gators are gunning for title town next years so you Ga Boys don't fall in love with it.Had a great time and enjoyed meeting some new people.

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

i dont' know why i am responding to someone who won't give his name but this is for your information mr inside scoop. the ote is different than most big pens (1000 acre or more)it is a club. not like most big pens that have one owner or one or two that lease the pen and have open running. the ote is a club with 22 members that all run dogs. each member can bring two guest anytime he runs and each guest can bring 5 dogs. the only time a guest can't come is when we are conditioning new game and members are limitted to a few dogs when we are conditioning game. this was the case before fla state and before the march hunt. guest are welcome all they have to do is call a member to set it up. as far as pen members running in hunts. we only alow pen members to run in hunts that we don't put on. this was the case in the march hunt and april hunt. as far as members having an advantage i don't care where you go puppy hunts, one day hunts, three day hunts someone runs in that pen every week. the club members have put alot of effort into this facility so people can come and have good running at the hunts. mr scoop i hope you have a better picture of how this facility is run and i feel your misinformed post are no good for this sport. mark ridaught if you need to call me 386-546-7885

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash

thanks for the congrats guys...great running, great food, great fellowship...keep up the good work OTE

Re: 2nd annual Ga. Dash For Cash


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