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Re: USO - Who's Coming??

Not coming,have other plans already with state hunt here at home, looking forward to meeting you in the future though

Re: USO - Who's Coming??

While I don't blame you for being skeptical Representative Greg Evers(R) and I, during a conference call in December involving he, myself, and FWC Regional Director Louie Roberson, confirmed no citations will be issued during the USO as long as we abide by a few basic rules.

*We must use all efforts and resources necessary to keep the hounds out of the non-permitted area.

*State regulations prohibit the use of alcohol in the state forest.

*State regulations prohibit the possesion of firearms in the state forest without a special permit.

Note: Yesterday, Wednedsday February 17th, the State of Florida Division of Forestry completed the prescribed burning of approximately 12,000 acres directly between the casting areas and the closed area. The woods are coal black, still smoking today and will be for several days. It's approximately four miles, as the crow flies, from the casting area to the closed area across black, charred terrain. This will be a great additional barrier.

Though I can't make any promises as to the outcome of the event regarding the USO, I can offer you the reassurance that we have the cooperation of all governing agencies, including FWC.

The Blackwater State Forest Field Trial Area offers some of the best outside running in the South. Though it is a natural Gray Fox habitat with an abundance of grays, there is also always some great coyote races at each hunt.

To sum it up: If you have a fox dog, not deer dog, fox dog that you think will run four days in a row, you should definately come to the USO, you have as good of a chance of winning as anyone.

Disclaimer: All statements above are solely my opinion and should not be considered the opinion of any USO officer or member.

Re: USO - Who's Coming??

Thanks Jack for setting the record straight. There were alot of rumors being spread at the All American last week that were just plain lies. You, Stuart, and all that have helped us are appreciated. As far as numbers, i and i guess most of the rest up here consider 225 to 300 a great sucess. President Fulcher and Brinchek have done their homework. We could not have a USO without the support of the local people and you guys have been the best. Thanks

Re: USO - Who's Coming??

where is it going to be and what dates? thanks really thinkin about comeing

Re: USO - Who's Coming??

Barry, thanks for your comments, though I rarely post myself I always enjoy yours.
Gary Godwin called me this morning and told me about the rumors, he and I decided I should respond to your post in an effort to let people know what to expect once they arrive.
We're looking forward to seeing you again and to a successful USO.
We need little George Hill down here to blow his bugle during the awards. Do you remember that from the National?

Re: USO - Who's Coming??

I was in shock at the National. I've been to quite a few USO'S and i don't believe i've ever seen so much go on behind the scenes to make for a smooth hunt. Fulcher has really stayed on top of things, Brinchek is his usual organized self and all you guys down there have worked your butts off. Jeff is going to put on a post telling about the dates, place, time to draw numbers, and the banquet.

Re: USO - Who's Coming??

Did you happen to stop by the kennels when you went?
I am going to try to go by there Saturday afternoon on my way back from running.