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Re: Florida and the rest of the story

Allan, It can be most definitely challenged, but the problem is the order stays in place until the final outcome of the Judges hearing. The judge can not stop or "stay" the action by the FWC. It is my understanding, and I am not a lawyer, that a hearing and final ruling about this by a Judge would most likely not take place before the commission meets again in June or possibly even September. That is no help to those of you that still have feed to buy, vet bills to pay, leases to pay, much less dogs that are getting fat and out of shape.

Re: Florida and the rest of the story

In Alabama the equivalent of the FWC is an extention of the governor's office. Basically it is the governor's responsibility to oversee wildlife management and the commission is empowered by him to do what they do. Since it is an executive order that means it is upheld by the power of the governor. Perhaps someone should try to talk to the governor or maybe skip the one in office and start talking to the candidates who may occupy the office after the upcoming election.

Re: Florida and the rest of the story

Heath Howell
In Alabama the equivalent of the FWC is an extention of the governor's office. Basically it is the governor's responsibility to oversee wildlife management and the commission is empowered by him to do what they do. Since it is an executive order that means it is upheld by the power of the governor. Perhaps someone should try to talk to the governor or maybe skip the one in office and start talking to the candidates who may occupy the office after the upcoming election.

It is the same case in Florida. We had to deal with this on the deer dog hunting issue previously. Calling, emailing, and sending letters to the governor's office is what got their attention the most. I'm pretty sure that will be part of our next efforts to get this overturned.

Re: Florida and the rest of the story

Has Mr Stonecipher and his organization been contacted about the particular florida situation and the enclosures in general ?

His people should have the legal answer to what's the next appropriate step.