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Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Richard Traylor of Poplarville, MS was dagnosed with brain cancer a few months ago. He is a self employed, hard-working man, he, his wife, and kids have lived off the land for many years. He has no health insurance and is needing a helping hand. The hospitals in Hatiesburg told him he had no chance of survival, so he and his family seeked a 2nd opinion at M.D. Anderson in Texas. They told him they could get rid of it, but he would need nearly $100,000 to get started. They have already done the surgery removing 80% of the tumor. They will proceed to get the other 20% with kemo and radiation. they are out of money. They have mortgaged thier land and house, thier in-laws have all mortgaged thier places. there was a benefit rodeo put on a few weeks ago in his honor and over 60,000 close to 70,000 was raised. We as fox hunters need to help a lil. These are good people that need our help, his children need thier daddy to stick around for a while.

5 hour All Age hunt. April 10. $40 entry fee.
Very nice Field trial blankets, dog feed and other prizes for the top 10 hounds.
Call Deon Ladner for numbers (601)916-4097
for more info post here, call Deon, or call me(601)795-5083

If you can't make it send a hound with a buddy, get it to us, we will run it for you. This family needs our help if possible, please keep them in your prayers.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help


Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

You can send donations to me at
Larry Saucier
62 copperhead lane
Poplarville, MS 39470

Thanks for all of your support, Deon gave out a bunch of numbers yesterday, looks to be a good hunt.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

larry i want to donate 2 tracking collars for this event they can pick there freq and they are magnum collars. Please call me when you have a chance steve at loveless kennels 309 712 4579

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Steve that will be great man, We appreciate it. I will call you this evening. After 4.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

larry not a problem love to help anytime i can im at the hospital so after 5 would be greatly appreciated

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Bird you hit me hard with this.I lost a GREAT freind to the same thing 2 years ago.
I would love to come to this hunt but it is 15 hours from Norwich Kansas to the deep south pen.
So I got to thinking (some people say this is not good ) I would like to pay the entery fee for a young hunter to enter a hound in this hunt.
I would like for you boys down there to find a kid that would like to run a dog.
If you find a kid that dose not have a hound I am sure that you guys will lend a GOOD hound to the kid.
What do you think?
This way it would be a double win, I help out the family and also a future hunter.
The check will be in the mail in the morning.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help


Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Kevin that is a great idea. I know a bunch of kids around our area that love to hunt. I will pay for one of them to put someone's or their own hound in the hunt. Thanks for your help.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Glad to help out. You did see where I said a GOOD hound, if they are hard to find I suppose I could call J.W. and see if Red Gal is open that day
Cant wait for my next trip down to the coast so I can meet you and good luck with the hunt.
Are you coming up to the wolf hound classic?

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

If they enter red gal then they will have a good one.
I'm planning on it, but it's a long ways off.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

I just whelped two litters of pups and have three more breed so if it will help I will donate a pup to raffle off or auction.I am sure someone would like one for a pet or yard dog.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Quave your puppy would be great, thanks for the help.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

bird i would love to run in this hunt but i wont have any hounds to go but i would love to come judge if that would b ok

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Bird I will make sure their are DogFeed their to Bid off or anyway we can help. If you need me just call. I want to help anyway I can.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Heck yeah Bo, bring 1 or 2 with you.

Claude thanks, you always help us out and we appreciate you and Showtime feeds for everything you do.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Bird we would like to donate a puppy off of potts chester and a hales bread ***** to the auction. it is a sept. 2009 pup. and would like to get two no's for the hunt. thanks mark

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

bird, give me a shout when u get a minute bud 601 606 6207

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Mark I called Deon for you, you have #'s 23 and 33.

Thanks for the pup, we will be glad to have it for the auction, thanks for your support.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

We ran at Picayune again this Saturday morning. Had a red fox race on each side of the Boneyard rd for over 2 hours, constantly crossing the road. a gray fox race come between the 2. I saw 4 different coyote races going at once after the red fox got away. The pen is getting right boys. Had jam up running again.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Larry, who should we make our checks payable to, I can't be there but will donation a entry fee for a youth to hunt.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Thanks again to all of you for your donations.

You can make checks payable to "Richard Traylor".

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Check is in the mail, Thanks

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help


Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help


Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

bird, did you get the check i sent you. mark

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

yes Mark, I got it Saturday. Thanks man, you guys are great.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Justin Carnagie, Rebel Yell kennels. man I'm sorry I've keep forgetting to cally you. I will today, or call me when you get a chance.

Your numbers are 110 113 115 121

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Guys I have been recieving a good bit of donations from you. Thanks to all that have and are sending stuff. I will post tomorrow who all I have recieved things from.
If those of you know you won't be able to make the hunt and have numbers please turn them back in. More people are waiting for some good numbers, thanks .
We have around 150 numbers out so far.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

bird i need 2numbers thanks

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Kevin you got 98 and 211

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

We have 2 puppies that I will raffle off. one is donated by Chip Quave of Latimer MS and the other is by Kyle Ladner of Kiln MS.

1. pup out of (Boone's Romeo x Quave's Whitey) Whitey is out of Live Oak C.C. Rider x Yopon Ashley

2. gyp pup out of (J's Tin Top x Cody's Sally) Sally is out of Peter Liquor.

Will have 2 seperate drawings for each puppy out of 2 seperate bags. $1.00 a piece.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help


Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

We have a puppy off of Barney's Heatwave to be auctioned off, donated by Deep South Running pen owners J&R kennels.

Deon has around 170 numbers out. Hope those that have numbers can make it.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help


Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help

Added to the list of good things will be "2 sacks of live crawfish". Whether they will be auctioned off or cooked and sold by the plate is still to be determined. Got a bunch of dog feed, several certificates, very nice blankets, and some jam up food. Gonna be a few cakes and other things to be auctioned. If you can, come check it out. I expect over 100 head easily and should have plenty of judges.
Been running there the past 4 weekends, been having outstanding running.

Re: Benefit Hunt, Deep South Running Pen, Good man needs our Help
