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Johnny Bratton

Please give me a call. 501-837-7165 Chris Hooks
I didn't realize there were two camp grounds over there. Purtle was asking which one I had reserved and I didn't know. Please give me call so I can get everything strait. Thanks, you can call anytime from 7:00A-9:00P. Again thanks

Re: Johnny Bratton

Chris there is only one camp ground with cabins that is the church camp the other one is north shores over by Johnnys house. S.R.

Re: Johnny Bratton

Chris, I got you a cabin, in the Church Camp, right by the cast.

Re: Johnny Bratton

Sorry about my confusion but I was asked which campgrounds so I kinda of panicked. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure I knew where I was going. Everyone else is coming up fri. so I will be flying solo in uncharted territories. Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't want to be driving around thurs. night lost.

Re: Johnny Bratton

Dont worry you will drive in the lake before you get lost

Re: Johnny Bratton

hey johnny wats up. we made it home ok. besides the the almost car wreck. call me when you can. see ya later old buddy. the show me state.