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Youngsville Coyotes Endanger Animals

Youngsville Coyotes Endanger Animals
By Evan Anderson

Posted: Oct 2, 2009 6:50 PM
Updated: Oct 2, 2009 7:10 PM

The Youngsville coyotes are back and neighbors say they're losing their pets on a daily basis, and their cry for help, has gone unanswered.

"When a tragedy happens. Then maybe something will be done about it." said Mark Poindexter

That's exactly how people in this Youngsville neighborhood feel after several of their pets have disappeared as coyotes roam the area.

"I've seen three of them about two weeks ago about 200 yards from my back door." said Poindexter

And, this isn't the first time pets have fallen victim to a coyote off Copperfield Way, in fact, just one day ago, one was spotted.

A neighbor spotted a coyote with a small dog in it's mouth heading toward a nearby sugar cane field this week. At this point, neighbors on Copperfield Way say they don't know what else to do.

"We have our hands tied. There's nothing that can be done, I guess legally." said a neighbor who did not want to be identified

This neighbor says it's that time of year, and living in a rural area, seeing animals like a coyote, isn't out of the ordinary.

"It's just a right of passage, it's nature. There's nothing we can do."

We contacted the Louisiana Department of Wild Life and Fisheries. The group says coyote sightings in the area aren't unusual, and human attacks are rare, but possible.

Unfortunately for these neighbors, due to budget cuts, the department can no longer provide free service for coyote removal. So, that leaves it up to the neighbors to call up a licensed professional, for a fee. But, Mark Poindexter, who has two Yorkies of his own says he might soon take this situation, into his own hands.

"Trap em, and maybe possibly haul em out in the woods up north." said Poindexter


nd just in case, Mark says he carries his 22 rifle whenever he's outside his home.

"Fearing that I would get attacked by a coyote."

Evan Anderson

This was in our local paper yesterday, it's about 5 miles from my house!
Bet you don't see this on the anti's websight!!

Re: Youngsville Coyotes Endanger Animals

There was also a spot on Channel 10 news about it....

Re: Youngsville Coyotes Endanger Animals

Hey Kenneth,
I missed that!! I see them laying dead on the hwy between here and New Iberia all the time. Counted 7 just yesterday!
Catch ya later!