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missing in action where was coulter, mr.ufc and gerade lyons 30 plus numbers between them and no showed. We looked in the woods ,in the porta pottys,in the showers under the trucks, hell we looked everywhere we where looking forward to seeing this new july stud dog?

Re: m.i.a

I knew they wouldnt show up they should not even be allowed to reserve #'s.

Re: m.i.a

i believe they where scared of mr. Rowton ???

Re: m.i.a

ill be seeing you sooner then you want rowton and to who ever posted that ill give you my number and we can talk after i kick your ...........8707843709

Re: m.i.a

that is funny guys coulter is a puppy hunter

Re: m.i.a

ive been to your parts and u still didnt show i would hate to pull in your drive way only for you to no show and you aint kickin nothin but tears because you didnt make it anyways. Hahahaha coulter if i call your phone you gonna be able to answer it or you still hiding

Re: m.i.a

call and see or leave me your number chump

Re: m.i.a

mr.noshow my wife has read your post and said she didnt want me to leave my number as she also said a conversation with you is a waste of my valuable time of life and minutes off our phone package. I will be at circle t soon see you there if you can get up

Re: m.i.a

Mr.Coulter where were you and your partners yall had 30#'s reserved when i seen Lyons had #'s i knew he wouldn't show he never does.

Re: m.i.a

buckville times u are a idiot. david rowton getting tired of u bringing me an my partner up in your conversations try sticking to your imaginary friends

Re: m.i.a

Chris Liggins I dont ever remember saying anything about you and I dont know who the heck your kennel partner is and we dont have a problem unless you make one