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H&R Thunder?

What is he off of, and who owns him, and where is he located? I see two placed off him at the Masters and just wanted to know what he went back to? Thanks.

Re: H&R Thunder?

CarCl(f)Ch. H&R's Thunder is by Padloc Hellums. He's owned by Jerry & Betty Altman in Johnsonville S.C.

Re: H&R Thunder?

Who's Jerry ???????????????????

Re: H&R Thunder?

Hank you aint right. HAHA

Re: H&R Thunder?

Myself and Jerry own him we also is known as H&R Kennels we still have him want any information or comments or questions you are more than welcome to contact me at 843-598-2722.

Re: H&R Thunder?

What color pup's does he normally throw?