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We would like to say (THANK YOU) to everybody for the congradulations & the phone calls we have received, it would be hard to describe the feeling that all of this gives you, but maybe Eric said it best Shocked & Awe

Again THANK YOU!!!
Whitey & Brenda

Re: Masters

Congrats on a big win you July boys are getting it done. I hope you get them things slowed down a little before the Wolf Hound Classic. Whitey would u post a number for me to call I need to get up with u in the next week or so

Re: Masters

Hey Brenda---

Here's the one word of Eric's I like the best:



I will call you or Whitey later today with the number---You know my little granddaughter says Pops is old as dirt and or course I am but I can still remember the thrill of winning the Masters---Without a doubt, the biggest foxhunting win of my life---So enjoy the moment and don't be afraid of it slipping away---You can always bring it back---It only takes two buttons, rewind and replay---

Re: Masters

Brenda, great job at the Masters. I know you are the mastermind behind your hounds winning! Congrats to you and Whitey for a job well done. I know how proud you both must be of your dogs and glad to see Feisty did pretty good as well. Hope to see you in the near future and try to run with them high powered dogs. I think I'm coming to the Open and the Wolf Hunters in May. I'll see you at one or both of them. Congrats again on a fine hound but I think Feisty is just waiting for her turn! Those guys in the Carolinas just got one dose of what we in Missouri have to deal with all the time!!!!!! See ya Mitch

Re: Masters

Congratulations Whitey!!! I told Chubby and he congratulates you too. I guess Harland won't be getting anything from you in the near future. Sorry i missed yall.

Re: Masters

Whitey's Cell Phone 573-429-1063
Home Phone 573-322-5230,

Re: Masters

Whitey & Brenda I know I congratulated you at the hunt, but I wanted to say congratulations again, you both are super nice and Whitey has always been kind to me when I have seen him at hunts.

What is impressive to me is Whitey drove all the way to SC with 2 dogs and they were competive and looked good, this is what I like about the masters not many folks run 10 at this hunt they bring there best and to bring 2 and win the hunt is awesome along with winning the SD,

Congratulations again


Re: Masters

congrat to whitey & brenda job well done and to all that placed in the masters

Re: Masters

Congrats. Whitey and Brenda on a super win. My old freind J.C. Leggett has got to be saying Lord I told you so! J.C. was a freind super breeder and conpetiter. I brought some great hounds from J.C. that were super outside hounds. Congrats to the July Nation ! Bring them to an SRHA hunt, I think you will like it.