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The Pride Dog Food Company

I wanted to give credit were credit is due, if you have not ever worked with Mike Carr at Pride dog food you are missing out. Mike is the number one supporter of dog food at the hunts in Pamplico and any were else I was involved in a hunt, Mike always comes through with feed and to top it off his company donates a field trial kit to the hunt.

The next time you are looking to switch feeds get up with Pride I think you will like there product and there support is 2nd to none!

Thank you Mike


Re: The Pride Dog Food Company

Amen Lenny, The Pride is an excellent feed and they go above and beyond in support of foxhunters and field trialers.

Re: The Pride Dog Food Company


100% Dittos Lenny

Pride and Mike Carr are the best.

Good feed too, my hounds really like it.

Jeff Brinchek

Re: 100% Dittos Lenny

I have talked with Mike , off and on for a couple of years about feed, and finally got to meet him last week at Pamplico.

Mike and Pride are both a real asset to our sport.

Re: The Pride Dog Food Company

Amen, Mike Carr and Pride supply dog food and field trial kits to almost all the hunts in our area.They support 3 day hunts and 1 day hunts alike.Way to go Mike and Pride dog food.

thanks Murray mclendon
Red Oak Open One Day Field Trial

Re: The Pride Dog Food Company

Do they sell it in southeastern Louisiana? If so could u tell me were i could find it. Thanks