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circle t pup hunt info?

could someone get me the number at or for the circle t pup hunt next weekend. Thanks steve

Re: circle t pup hunt info?

lovelady- send a text to my cell 501-467-0234 & i'll shoot ya back the taylors ph#....!

Re: circle t pup hunt info?


Re: circle t pup hunt info?

hey steve, how you doing bubba. are you going to try to come down to trade days this saturday. i hope i see you there. call me , and let me know.

Re: circle t pup hunt info?

Joey couldn't get a hold of mr.wheat if u dont care talk to him saturday at ya'lls trade day and hope ya'll have a good one.

Re: circle t pup hunt info?

joey i will not be able to make it i hope i can get to one before to long buddy? im busy with house crap and im going to arkansas next week though.

Re: circle t pup hunt info?

steve are you still goning to bring the three dogs from your buddy i was to buy?

Re: circle t pup hunt info?

yes carl i shure am and i believe i have 2 for you also call me when you can . Thanks steve