
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Can you defend this?


This video really shows what goes on in a fox pen to the average Joe and one wonders why there are antis!

Re: Can you defend this?

animals die from poisoning. yall want to ban weed killer.

animals die when they get shot. yall want to ban guns.

animals die when they get run over. yall want to ban cars.

trees die when they make paper. yall want to ban books.

fish have feelings. yall want to ban fishing.

fish taste good. lets eat.
deer meat taste good. lets eat.
coyotes are predators. lets hunt.

yall spend more money on saving preditors and trees than helping the homeless and veterans in this country that fought to give you the right to spout off your bu//$hit.

what goes around comes around. remember that.

Re: Can you defend this?

After a little research, we have come up with another name for the anti's- DUMB A****!!!!

Get U SOME OF DAT........

Re: Can you defend this?

That video does not show what goes on in a fox pen. It shows what HSUS wants the public to believe goes on in a fox pen. The footage of the coyote being killed comes from an idividual who went into a pen with the purpose of aquiring a negative video. He disregarded the principles that foxhunters abide by to protect the game and the hounds so he could get some disturbing footage. It is a shame that he put his anti-hunting agenda ahead of the safety of the animals. If an actual foxhunter had been present at the scene that coyote would not have been killed and those hounds would not have been in danger of injury. No fox pen hunter ever wants to see something like that happen and we don't let it happen.

Now, I have to admit that animals die inside pens at about the same rate they die in the wild. The wire of a fox pen does not hold back the laws of nature. Most game in most pens live several years. They get taken care of in exchange for a few hours of chasing a few times a week. It is a pretty good gig.

One of the Florida wildlife officials put it best in an e-mail to the endthehunt group.
"If a fox pen is constructed and operated as authorized within FWC rules there is no more of a “cruel element” than is found in any part of the natural world."

Re: Can you defend this?

This is what happens in a fox pen.
Guess what, the hounds didn't catch the coyote that day, or the next day, or any day that year.

Re: Can you defend this?

thing that bothers me is all they pick up on is the bad and dont never tell the good.