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New Date For SRHA Hunt AT Hollywoods

Due to the severe weather conditions this past winter Davey and Jennifer don’t feel they were able to acquire enough game to support an SRHA hunt. This is a wonderful facility and both the Hackett’s and the SRHA hate that we have to postpone this hunt. The hunt now will be held on Oct. the 9TH. You will keep the same numbers you have already reserved unless you wish to cancel. For more information call Ray Casteen @ 910-457-6080, 6-10pm.

Re: New Date For SRHA Hunt AT Hollywoods

Ray are there any hunts 4 Aug. or Sept. lined up just tryn 2 figure which ones i mite hit

Re: New Date For SRHA Hunt AT Hollywoods

One week after VA. ST. and 4 days before the TOP GUN poket book gona be hurtn

Re: New Date For SRHA Hunt AT Hollywoods

Will proably rethink this one! Hunt in GA. in Srpt and WV in July.