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Greatest Day Ever

What a Day

This Sunday is Easter, got to be the Greatest Day ever happen. We have seen days of calmity 1941 Pearl Harbor, 9-11- 01 Twin Towers, but the greatest day ever Easter.

Proves: Bible predictions
Life after Death
Gospel is true

Provides; Forgiveness
A Savior

Promises; Life after death
Bodily Resurrection
Jesus is who he claims to be

Resurrection Day; What a day, our faith rest on this day.

Happy Easter

Re: Greatest Day Ever

AMEN!! It is to bad that most people dont even realize what Easter is about. A recent survey reported that 2 out 5 Americans did NOT know the reason behind EASTER SUNDAY!! Also 1 out 4 Americans did NOT know the Reason behind Christmas. How SAD and discouraging.

In Joshua 24th chapter says and I am paraphrasing As for me in my house we will serve the LORD!

Wishing each of you a Happy Easter.

True Grit Kennel,
Etowah Co.
Kyle Blakeley

Re: Greatest Day Ever

AMEN!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend!!!