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Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

Matt will be standing at stud here for a while if anyone would like to breed to him. Stud fee will be $200. Kyle has sent him here because of the interest of people in this area wanting to breed a gyp to him. For those who may be interested in breeding to him call 318-789-1924

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

Is he at your place now?....We bred a gyp to him last year & she didn't take....She is coming back in now & I was gonna call Kyle next week to line something up to try again....Boy, bad timimg for me.

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

Yes he is at my house. He has Canoy's Clay Liquor now. He is one of the best looking lemon spotted dogs I have ever seen

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

kenneth ,
I'm going up tuesday to pick up a gyp. If she is still in heat i can take her call me.

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

JC...She's just coming in...been bleeding for about 4 days today....Would be kinda early to send her....Would be great if you were going back next weekend though!!

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

Ms Jc
you are sure passing alot good stud dogs before you get their. If your still confused, breed to bingo once you arrive. These are all proven hounds.

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

It's not my gyp, I'm just offering to take it for a friend, it's his business what he want's to breed his gyp to!
I agree, Bingo is a good hound, but, I'm going to the Judge's to pick up a gyp I'm buying.
Thank you for your advise, i'm sure Bingo will be tickled for your vote of confidence!
Have a good day!!!

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

I go to Chopin to see my youngest child alot, so, I will get in touch with ya if I do!

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

You be careful on your trip. What happened to your supply house ??

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

Mr George,
My Pharmacist became ill, so I have to find another one. I can order any supply your little heart desires, So feel free to give me a call any time! Just can't fill any scripts yet!

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.

JC....Thanks for the help....Maybe we can work something out...

Mr.G....It's my gyp that will be making the trip to Matt Liquor....I know that there are many worthy Studs between here & Mr.Guyotte's place but as I said in my original post....This gyp was bred to Matt last year & didn't take so we'd like to try again...If she takes this time it might be a screw up or it might not be...Time will tell...

Re: Canoy's Matt Liquor Has Moved to North La.