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Tracking collars for sale

Rats maybe 20 hours off of them
$70 a peice basically brand new

About 1.5 old $55 a peice
cut back on dogs don't need all the extra collars
nothern nc 919-482-0991
will ship you pay shipping

Re: Tracking collars for sale

hay britt. hear you where south of the border last week.yall have fun in manning?

Re: Tracking collars for sale

Yeah we had a good time. We got STUCK!!!! I mean like top of truck at my hips STUCK!!! LOL It was pretty funny. Ole boy from FL had to pull us out. Told them ole FL boyz that they need to head to Tar River one of these days. Put an order in for something down your way....something like ringo X bellhop gyp. Be ready July 4th and Josh is going to pick em up for me. You know I love my clown and bellhop hounds. Hope you are doing well. Now you can some c me since you can't run down there! LOL

Re: Tracking collars for sale

yea Clint told me you where getting 2 of them puppies. Ringo has been throwing some fast pups. i will be there next Mth. didn't have anything ready for that hunt and not sure we will have any thing ready next time but we should be there.Erica been asking about you guys and wanted me to say hi. started to give her the website site but dont what her pester MR Bishop about the pretty puppies he sent down here with us last time. she also been asking me when we will be coming back to Tar river. should try to come up for a 3-day in the fall. hope yall will come back to manning soon and next time drag that old polecat slowgo down there with you

Re: Tracking collars for sale

Yupers...I got me an order in. I've got a Jimmy Ringo B crossed on a bellhop and clown gyp now I'm going to start running here soon. He is way outta shape right now. Yall gotta come up soon. We have plenty of 3days round these parts! Let me know! Bring da kido too!

Re: Tracking collars for sale

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