
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Judges will award scores to hounds in the field that display the desired charteristicts of a good Hunting hound. Judges must evaluate the work of the hounds giving higher scores to the harder working Hunting hounds. Scores must be one of the five following choices, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 points. All scores and all times by all judges must be turned in to the person entering the scores in the masterfox computer scoring system under the direction of the Master of Hounds. Once all Hunting scores have been entered the masterfox computer scoring system will determine the final allowed hunting score for each hound. The maximum culuminitive amount of points allowed each hound shall be 10 points for the first hour, 15 points for the second hour, 20 points for the third hour, 25 points for the fourth hour and 30 points for each hour from the fifth hour on. The maximum amount a hound could keep for a five hour day would be 100 points, for a six hour day 130 points, for a seven hour day 160 points and for an eight hour day 190 points.