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Breaking dogs off Deer

I just wonder how most of the hunters break their dogs off of deer. I remember in the past seeing hounds with scent things on their collars and different things. I don't have and would rather not use a shocking system because I messed up on a Coon Dog a few years ago and he was never the same again. I have had a few broke dogs and they where great. I know the first thing is to not run broke dogs with unbroke dogs but what next?
If you had rather send an e-mail.

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

Mike I would talk with Donny Butler. Everyone thinks of him as a three hour speed and drive man but actually he has kept deer proof coyote hounds for several years

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

Why break them there going to score them on deer at the ark. state hunt.

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

I will keep Deer hounds anyway but I have some olders friends in Oklahoma that I would love to go hunt outside with and without straight dogs they won't let me bring any. I also like to hear a good coyote race or fox race and where I hunt there is a lot of deer. As far as the Field Trial I may or may not get to attend probably not. That time of year the trophy I am looking for is walking around on four legs. I like to Bow hunt the first few weeks of season. I am not what you call a Field Trialer, I am more of a pleasure hunter.

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

Mr. Ellis, that is a shame your friends dont want you to bring you dogs since they are not broke off trash...and I understand it to a point.....however, if they are worried about your dogs starting a deer chase and theirs going along for the ride, well....their dogs aint broke either. True broke dogs turn down the pressure of other dogs running off-game over and over and over...good luck & I'd give the tri-tronics flip another try. Good Hunting

John Foster

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

tritronics works just dont over do it. That how we break the best deer dogs and break several every year. I start all my pups from home on deer an at a year an half old i break them with a collar off deer some are harder to dreak than others. But boy have i broke some good deer dogs to make great wolf hounds. It just works

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer


Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

John you are right if the dogs are really broke then it should not be a problem but I think they have laws against running them. I had a coondog a few years ago I would cast with my running dogs he never failed to tree a coon. I have had coyote races running circles around him treed and he never quit barking up that tree. He was a natural plus I hunted him almost every night so he never really got restless like some running hounds get.

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

Mr. John I understand what you are saying, but keep in mine the young hound you or I or anyone else has. I know some of mine are broke but some of the younger ones are not but have been worked on, why would someone want to run with someone with deer hounds and get the younger ones running deer again. I know they are not broke but don't want to give them any more temptation to running deer but if they do run deer they would be shot. Now Mike if you went and ran with someone that had broke hounds and your hounds went to running deer and one of the young dogs the broke dog hunter had went with them and he got in front of them and started shooting and shocking them would you be upset if your got shot with #7 s then next time your hound heard a gun shot while running a deer it may stop and come to the truck?

Mr.John if a hound can not stand the pressure of other hounds running off game then it is not broke I will agree with that but I personally do not like to run with people that run deer with hounds. The broke hounds that I have most of them will come to the truck if they go to a deer race or even run across one they know what happens and don't want anymore of that. How about if I am running a fox make a loss on the fox and deer hounds stumble across a deer and go to running the deer, that pulls the fox dogs off the fox and then they come to the truck and then you have lost out on the fox and may not be able to get back after the fox. So it can still cause issues even with broke hounds is my thinking.

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

I understand what you are saying Jay and that is my point on trying in the future to have a few broke dogs but if I have to shoot them to break them it will not happen and I will just run as I do now. I just wanted a few pointers or thoughts on the way to break them off bad game. I have even thought about trying to break the deer dogs off of does but I have had little success. I have gotten one that would change her bark on a Buck but that don't help with the 3 point rule.

Re: Breaking dogs off Deer

Jay, good post, I understand what you are saying. Let me clarify my statement. I certainly would not run my dogs with boys that deer hunt theirs...however, I have a friend that hunts his dogs with mine from time to time and he will be the first to tell you he has nothin' dog wise. Now, once every other day of hunting his WILL run off game...mine will immediately come to my feet (and tell on them, so to speak). So....if I have a pup that goes with his and all of my older dogs come to my feet while his (with my pup) are marching off game.....my young dog gets the tri-tronics flip. In reality, that man is using me for a good run, and I am using him, to break my young dogs if needed. It is an outstanding learning experience for my young dogs and is a great way to break trash runners bar none. I simply will not own a dog that runs off game, with these new e-collars there simply is no excuse. *In the right hands*, they are the BEST tool ever invented for a good houndman. Good talking with you & good hunting-

Carolina Foxhunter, thanks for the kind words, I'm thinking you are Bubba Casper or MLM? If so, I'm coming ya'lls way for some more huntin' in the cotton in August!! later

John Foster