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Are y'all going to run Sat evening or Sat ? We have two in heat that we need to run and was going to try and run Sunday morning if y'all were running sat

Re: Towerdog

Not completely sure just yet. Aaron's working and I'm turkey huntin' sat morn and playin golf sat around noon so it'll probably be sat nite. I'll call you thurs or fri and let you know. I've got 1-2 in heat that I was wanting to take to a hunt in a couple of weeks that need to be ran themselves. I can just bring b*****s if it would help. I don't know about everyone else.

Re: Towerdog

Ok just let me know I w as just gonnatry and go Sunday as I have to work sat because of derby day at oaklawn

Re: Towerdog

10-4 that may be better for me as well. I'm sure we can work something out that suits most everyone. At least you and me.

Re: Towerdog

Derek, I think Sunday morning it is. How's between 5-6 am grab ya. I'm just gonna bring gyps as well cause I've got a couple in heat myself.

Re: Towerdog

Six is ok with me I don't get off work Sat until midnight which will put me getting home about one and leaving about 4:30 Don't know if I could stand going any earlier or not. lol Seven would be a little more to my liking but is your call. I just wanna get in plenty of eyeball time and look at some of these young dogs compared to my old hounds. Thanks for accomdating us

Re: Towerdog

Word on the street is you are wanting your old hounds to get some practice in the pen and see what your running aganist in the central now thats just hear say not really sure Towerdog do you know anything about this