
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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jeff smith

i've wrote two responces and cant get them posted...i've placed hounds as far back as the mid-80-s on deer...been part of 3 hunter that took 15 of 20s/d trophies at one hunt....and one of the others views this board regularly...we're not scared of the compitition...we just want to come prepared !fox or deer !.....anyone from this area that comes will be competative..i prefer fox...but just want to know what to bring..........

Re: jeff smith

Alvin I've still got the pictures of us taking 15 of the 20 Trophies at that Speed and Drive Hunt and i don't have any dogs that are Deer Proof at the present time but i'm with you we will run any time any place with thes guys inside or outside on Fox Deer or Coyotes just let us know what the Rules are in advance and if you go to Hunt Reults on Speeddogs you can see Pell Mell has been doing okay since we started back last year. All i ask if i run against you in a pen you give me the same chance on the outside.