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dogs running deer in hunt

This is my opinion we are fox coyote hunts not deer some people say in a pin score them on deer because you are in a pin if you were to take these same dogs to the outside they won't run deer

Re: dogs running deer in hunt

Why dont you go watch tv or something and quit trying to stir up something. If you got a problem with it go to the board meeting or who is putting hunt on and discuss this or stay home but dont be a crybaby on here

Re: dogs running deer in hunt

Your opinion dont matter if you dont have a name if you dont like it Mr.no name stay at home.S.R.

Re: dogs running deer in hunt

Straight PIN, King PIN, Whatever kind, if they are inside of a PIN, it's got to be a small world.

Probably sharp as a tack and twice as flat headed.

Re: dogs running deer in hunt

Mark you left out a PIN cushion, ha, ha. By the way, I ran my dogs in a PEN this weekend, not to be confused with a straight PIN, or king Pin, or Pin cushion, ha, ha. Have a great day

Re: dogs running deer in hunt

Dude you are an idiot if they wont run a deer outside what the heck makes you think they will run one in a pen you thank they smell diffrent in a pen than they do outside I guess they strap a snickers bar to their butt in a pen where they smell better HuH!!!!!!!!!

Re: dogs running deer in hunt

Pin: this might be described as an obect used to secure material to a pattern during the sewing and/or altering of a particular item of clothing, such as a "straight pin".
It could also be described as an instrument used to connect a trailer to a truck, such as a "pull pin".

Pen: this might be described as an instrument used to execute a document, such as an "ink pen".

Pyn: this might be described as an enclosure, usually constructed from wire, of size significant enough to accomodate hounds of various breeds, sizes, and colors, such as a "fox pyn".

So there you go! It's a "pyn"!!

Re: dogs running deer in hunt

Oh yeah, sorry guys, but I left one out.

Penn: this might be described as the last name of the actor, who's first name is Sean, who first appeared in "Little House On The Prairie", and later appeared in "Fast Times At Ridgemont High". However, his most common claim to fame is due to him being the dude married to Madonna a few years ago, you know, back when she was ultra fine.

By the way, I'm not trying to be smart - just comical!