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Kennel Reduction

Hounds of all ages and breedings such as Hoehners Hy-Tone and BTTB Butch and many others $150.00 to $300.00 price range 501-625-0165

Re: Kennel Reduction

Rowton, do u have one off of BTTB Butch ex Owen's Silk?

Re: Kennel Reduction


Re: Kennel Reduction

David Rowton
Hounds of all ages and breedings such as Hoehners Hy-Tone and BTTB Butch and many others $150.00 to $300.00 price range 501-625-0165

Re: Kennel Reduction

David Rowton
David Rowton
Hounds of all ages and breedings such as Hoehners Hy-Tone and BTTB Butch and many others $150.00 to $300.00 price range 501-625-0165

Re: Kennel Reduction

David Rowton
David Rowton
David Rowton
Hounds of all ages and breedings such as Hoehners Hy-Tone and BTTB Butch and many others $150.00 to $300.00 price range 501-625-0165

Re: Kennel Reduction

has these hounds ever been hauled to a hunt within 40 miles of your house and how did they do. Oopps sorry my bad you never show up to a hunt. And how do they do on coons?

Re: Kennel Reduction

Jack Daniels Bo Who Who Bo Who Who Bo Who Who that justs tears me up and you wouldnt want to know unless you wanted some good hounds and I am getting sick of smart azzes like you that keep hollering I dont show up at hunts I dont know of any freaking hunt that I said that I was going to show up at that I havent showed up at so JACK DANIELS I hope you get alchol poisoning

Re: Kennel Reduction

well no show goat roper i have seen you say you coming to all these hunts and not show and thats a pretty nice statement to wish death or sickness on a man shows how smart round little man u are anyways i have a little left in this bottle maybe u should swallow some so you can come to conclusion know man in his right wants ur hounds

Re: Kennel Reduction

Did you say Man I dont thank you can call yourself a man you gutless wonder you cant post your real name I figure your real name is BOZO the CLOWN with the big red nose and all

Re: Kennel Reduction

If u r so tired of the remarks then please stop replying I'm knda of tired of seeing u cuss someone everyday so just don't reply and they will stop posting they just do it cause they kno it's gets to u so please grow up

Re: Kennel Reduction

Who asked you

Re: Kennel Reduction

david bozo has not been feeling well since they took away the grand prize game thanks for your concern but we are concerned about these culls you are selling maybe carl can show u the way

Re: Kennel Reduction

Cookie the Clown thanks for your concern but they are not culls and I dont need anybody to show me the way so go back and join Bozo and honk each others nose and paint each others eye lashes are something like that and let me handle this