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Scott County

Is Scott County still having a dog box hunt and if so what are the dates for this hunt

Re: Scott County

here chicken here chicken where r u atlololololololol. why r u picking on marcus. thats ok looked like me and him join together to let it out anywhere any place

Re: Scott County

I dont know Jake but you and Marcus must have went to the same school had the same teacher and went on the same days because both of your spelling abilitys are identical just horrible

Re: Scott County

MR DAVID why r u talking crap about me i have not done anything rough to u and carl. let u know when u said the thing u said about god i am god .. do u go to church no or maybe tell u one thing like everone else has said to u the truth will set u free whata talk lets talk

Re: Scott County

see marcus he dont answer u . u know it is true now

Re: Scott County

I believe you two guys are one and the same

Re: Scott County

like u and carl u both look good together

Re: Scott County

well see ya later i am leaveing town. be back and 3 days hey JAKE THE SNAKE keep it real and sont let off of them peace man see u there at ur home town in 3 days i am bring 4 dogs ok.

Re: Scott County

Mr. Marcus I have never posted on this site and have never field trialed. I have hounds and love to hear a good race. I would love to go to some hunts but I work nearly every weekend. I know there is a lot of trash talking on here, but talking about hounds and kidding around is one thing and saying things about God are good as long as you are praising him for all that you are blessed with. I am a christian and I really took it to heart on your post and believe it is my duty as a christain to inform you there is only one GOD. This God gave his only begotten son so that if you truly believe in him and accept him as your personal savior through Jesus Christ you shall not perish but have everlasting life. I pray that you really think about this and that if you are not saved that you will have a burden weighing you down until you realize there is only one way to heaven and that is to accept Jesus Christ as you personal savior. This is my real name and I am from Kirby, AR. I go to Church at Mt. Pleasent Missionary Baptist Church in Langley AR and you are always welcome. May God Bless.

Re: Scott County

i belieave and god but u know hes said that make me mad so u r right

Re: Scott County

David Rowton
Is Scott County still having a dog box hunt and if so what are the dates for this hunt

Re: Scott County

Think its May 1!

Re: Scott County

Great post Jody, you will be blessed for not only letting Marcus hear but everyone else on that might read the post know about our savior. I am the Pastor of Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church in the Gravelly area of western Yell County in AR. We praise the same savior as everyone should the one and only Jesus Christ. As you said before everyone is welcome
to come by and sing praises to him and hear from him. Sunday Morning 10:00AM for Sunday School and 11:00AM for Services hope to see you there.