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Happy feet pups

After looking back at some old post... I just noticed that the Newell Happy Feet pups that were out of Clown should be old enough to start running in some hunts.... Has anyone heard of these pups being entered anywhere?? Kinda heard a rumor that they like to lay down and lick there feet???? Any truth to this????

Re: Happy feet pups

heard they were gunna be at sugar creek...!

Re: Happy feet pups

I've been away from the computer for a while so I totally missed curios calling me out. You heard absolutely right. Nothing wrong with the hound, just a sorry owner. I did one of the puppies an injustice. I entered it in a hunt to young, with damaged pads. I wrapped them before the race thinking this would help, only made matters worse. I'm the one that's sorry, not the dog. Its a good thing that we learn from our mistakes. Hopefully I will make a more educated decision one day that will allow this gyp to redeem herself. Puppy hunts are always tough to place in because of various reasons, so you might have to wait until we start 3 daying these hounds to properly judge them. Sugar creek is still undecided on.