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Grapevine Ark Busdriver. Cody Gregory

I heard straight from the man that the Busdriver was bad news. Said he had done put Spanky into retirement and Lucy right smack in the middle of the road,also heard that Lucy got hauled in by the Grapevine sherriff for excessive use of public property (the road). Any truth to these allegations

Re: Grapevine Ark Busdriver. Cody Gregory

Well i do know that he didnt put Spanky into retirement but i can neither confirm or deny these allegations towards Lucy but after the one eyed unit come through last monday and DJ new he had two weeks before he came back he decied he would drag all the gravel back out of the ditches that he had thrown in them

Re: Grapevine Ark Busdriver. Cody Gregory

Well maybe retirement was a little strong maybe it should have been injured reserve list. Right there with Mid South Leon. Lol. Now my dads Sticker gyp is in heat. We can't catch a break for this hunt. We may end up running just derby if one more all age comes in

Re: Grapevine Ark Busdriver. Cody Gregory

Derek, it may be best that you just run derby from what I've been hearing you'd be running for 3rd behind the father and son trio of Larry and Cody. Don't let that scare you off though. I'll see y'all there, but it won't be until sat. probably.