
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Puppy Hunt at Red Gate Fox Pen May 8th!!!!

We will be having a puppy hunt at Red Gate Fox Pen on May 8th for April and younger pups. Dog food will be awarded as prizes. Cast at daylight, run 4 hours. $25 entry fee. Breakfast and lunch provided. For numbers call Randy McGovern at 912-389-5300. We will be back on the 3rd Saturday next month!
If you want to come run before the hunt call Randy.

Re: Puppy Hunt at Red Gate Fox Pen May 8th!!!!


Re: Puppy Hunt at Red Gate Fox Pen May 8th!!!!


Re: Puppy Hunt at Red Gate Fox Pen May 8th!!!!

is there an address or anything i can use for a gps? if you dont want to post you can call me at 904-322-1275