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Billy Priest

you bringing the heat this weekend? lol. but anyways i noticed my pup had a sore on his foot last week. its healed now but in the future or now is there anything i can do to protect or prevent it. this is the 1st time anything has happened to any of his pads. he didnt act like it hurt him either

Re: Billy Priest

don't know about the heat part but I'm coming,the only thing that I have used is pad heal

Re: Billy Priest

10-4 you heard who alls coming? where can you get that from?

Re: Billy Priest

I don't know who all is coming,I got it from tractor supply

Re: Billy Priest

10-4 man. ill see you sat

Re: Billy Priest

good luck to both of you on sat. i am going to try to get the big pen next weekend sun may 2nd if yall what to run

Re: Billy Priest

you going to the red gate this weekend?

Re: Billy Priest


Re: Billy Priest

yea I'm going if your going you are going to here some good running going to be 4+ hours of wall to wall and all the crossings you want to see

Re: Billy Priest

Billy, are you going to help me number dogs this week.

Re: Billy Priest

someone needs to help Pat I know you ain't going to

Re: Billy Priest

10/4 man. i run in st george sunday. whats the name of the road the pen is on so i can put it in my gps. if you know it

Re: Billy Priest

give me a call 352 595 7615