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safe-guard goat wormer

Can someone help me out on the dosage for dogs please!!!how much to give and how often to give it!!! Thank you!!!

Re: safe-guard goat wormer(Large Tube)

I notch it back to about the width of a nickel and give it to em 3 days in a row.

Re: safe-guard goat wormer(Large Tube)

I give my dogs around 8 to 9cc's 3 days in a row...Was told to give a 50lb dog 10cc's for 3 days....I have a friend that gives his 5cc's for 3 days & he said it works for him....Hope this helps....

Re: safe-guard goat wormer(Large Tube)

I use the liquid it works really well 10cc 3 days in a row repeat in 2 weeks then every 90 days. S.R.

Re: safe-guard goat wormer(Large Tube)

me and my dad use the safegaurd liquid cattle wormer, and the goat wormer. isnt it the same stuff, just labeled different.is it the same strength as panacur could someone that knows please help us out.

Re: safe-guard goat wormer(Large Tube)

I use the same amount. S.R.