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Results Puppy Hunt @ Butler's Pen

Under 11 months

1st 1345 pts. James Lewis (Butler's Clown X McCoy's Sandy)

2nd 935 pts. Bates & Hines (Lakehill's Ike x Bates' Faith)

3rd 930 pts. James Lewis (Lakehill's Ike X Bates Faith)

Under 9 months

1st 1100 pts. Benson Thompson (Thompson's Pinky X Lewis' Sugarbaby)

2nd 1030 pts. Benson Thompson (Thompson's Pinky X Thompson's Traci)

3rd 905 pts. Brian Canerday (Ken's Tracker X Coco's Babygirl)

4th 840 pts. Benson Thompson (Thompson's Pinky X Lewis' Sugarbaby)

5th 840 pts. Brian Canerday (Blalock's King X Canerday's Ruby)