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Results of Georgiana April 2010 Puppy Hunt

We would like to thank our Judges and all the hunters. We had 23 pups and 4 hours of solid running.
1. #0 990 pts. Hammerin down C.J., Hammerin down Stinger J, X Hammerin down Autum. Hammerin down Kennels
2. #20 900 pts. J&J's Jade, Triple J Black, X Willow Oak? Jerry Coleman
3. #8 765 pts. Hammerin down Lite, Hammerin down Stinger J, X Hammerin down Autum. Hammerin down Kennels
4. #7 735 pts. Copper, Chandlers Leo,X Chandlers Paint. Mike and Durwood Chandler
5. #1 705 pts. Bad Eye, Chandlers Leo X Chandlers paint. Mike and Durwood Chandler
6. #30 650 pts. J&J's Baldy, Hardys Iceman, X Morris's Charity. Jerry Coleman
7. #99 640 pts. NG Long Branch Kennels
8. #3 625 pts. NG Maxcey
9. #11 580 pts. NG Cottons Rainman X Nippers Q Ball. Jimmy Nipper
10. #5 560 pts. NG Larry Robinson

Re: Results of Georgiana April 2010 Puppy Hunt
