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dogs for sale

have two really nice gyps for sale

1. red ring neck gyp (scott's rebel s x head's tinkerbell) placed and won in a lot of puppy hunts. 5th high dog first day two day derby. this gyp has a really good mouth can run her game and is fast. she was born 5-24-08

2. bwt saddleback gyp( D & S DOC x woodstock gyp)
place 2nd in 3 hour all age at circle 16 fox pen in january. a gyp that is tough and got plenty of speed
a really nice dog she is 2 1/2 years old

these two dogs are for sale because they are not getting the justice they need at my house. been run about every third week and they can do well if in shape.

call 601 606 7171 for pricing and any other info.

Re: dogs for sale


Re: dogs for sale

Call me when you get a chance please 601 408 9247