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Run N EZ foxpen April results

1st place was dog number 19 with 950 points owned by Tri State

2nd place was dog number 31 with 925 points owned by Mike Sibert

3rd place was dog number 11 with 910 points owned by Alan Heyer

4th place was dog number 33 with 770 points owned by Mike Sibert

5th place was dog number 44 with 760 points owned by Doug Smith

6th place was dog number 32 with 740 points owned by Mike Sibert

7th place was dog number 2 with 695 points owned by Tri State

8th place was dog number 13 with 685 points owned by Chris Findling

9th place was dog number 0 with 675 points owned by Alan Heyer

10th place was dog number 17 with 655 points owned by Tri State

Thanks for coming, the next hunt is on 5/29/10




Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Congradulations Eli and Kayla,and all others who placed.

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

I need to congrat all those who placed even Laverne as I understand the winner belongs to him. This was a good hunt with lots of game and lots of nice pups and mine were not up to the grade. Oh well maybe next time. Congrats again and seeya next month. Mitch

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

whats tha breedings on these pups??

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

2nd Findlings Austin X Findlings Coke.com

This is the pup that Chris "Made me" take home with me HaHa Thanks Hoss.

4th and 6th Kidd's Gone Famous X Kidd's Cash Call

The 4th and 6th place pups are the ones I bought on the Benifit auction for the JR National last year. Thanks Runt
Congrats to everybody!!!!!

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Hello Mitch. The winner, as were the other two we placed, are Tri-State July's hounds. We win as a team and we lose as a team. Like in Nascar, I'm really proud of my team, as this was truly a team effort. The 19 dog started slowly at the hunt and had lots of gas left at the end, or so I was told. She must have done something right, as the boys had to call me and make sure she wasn't for sale. They apparently turned down a handsome sum of cash for her. She will be eligible 3 more months. The 17 gyp has eligebility through Septembers hunt. She really was our best pup but had a slight injury that had her sidelined when she needed to be getting exercise. Anyway Mitch thanks for the congratulations! Should you be tired of clapping, Tri State can fix you up Oh by the way, the breeding is JULY, Tri State Style.

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

I forgot something - It took a couple days for Todd to figure out how not to put the words July and first place in the same sentence. I knew something was holding up the results!That was very clever Todd! I mean leaving the Julys off the back of the words Tri State

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Messing with Mitch must have caused a brain freeze. I meant the 2 gyp in the earlier post. As you can see by the picture, 17 is a male! That's what happens when Eric has to paint all the dogs. By the way Mitch, 17 can be purchased!

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Mike, That 31 dog can flat run a yote. I watched him do some nice work Saturday morning. Congrats to all that placed.

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Bluffrock- Brad Bax
Mike, That 31 dog can flat run a yote. I watched him do some nice work Saturday morning. Congrats to all that placed.

Thanks Brad she is a litter mate to the one that Chris placed 8th I think they will make good hounds.

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

number 31 and 13 and 42 were all littermates

i thought 13 was doing more than what she did but thats how it goes

pedagree is on page 98 of last months horn....top left...Findling's Tank.....have had several calls about them.........they are just nice honest hounds!!!

next time don't argue with me so much about it Mike

they have sure turned out nice

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Laverne you mean those dogs were JULYS! Getting a little better color in some of them! Keep up the hard work and let me know when you get a BWT blanket back cause you may be closer to having WALKERS then you realize. You keep crossing walker in there to get that ability and the color is bound to shine sooner or later. Pound Puppy kept it up until he got the Obama pup and he was ashamed to haul it with all that color! See ya Mitch

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Good Morning Mitch! No Walker in any of these. We do have a litter here that will be ready this fall with 3/16 Walker. If you want to just ease on over to the winning side we might sell you one only. These will rock and roll. We have had pups from her before. Better get one for your boy so he will come to the hunts again!! Have a great day, LG. Almost forgot, you are right about that Obama pup. I sort of wondered about the woodpile there myself. Sorry Howard! We luv ya man but you must admit things did not look all kosher there We could start a support group to help you and talk this over

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

I suppose Howard really is a full brother to Jason too

Poor Jason

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Nice touch with the pictures of the winners.

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

I second the picture kudos. Todd puts on great hunts. His wife cooks up a storm for breakfast, I mean you can't buy a breakfast that good! His son Chris gets the results on here. I don't believe you will find a better run puppy hunt. Judges are paired up and plenty to cover the pen. Game is always seasoned and runs great. Your pups will be tested and scored at the Runnin' EZ. The hunters have all been good sports with congratulations to go around and no complaining. I love to pick at Todd a little about Walkers, but he is the sort that can jostle all in fun. Tri State Julys makes the 12 hour round trip as often as we can. The only draw back is Mitch

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Hello LaVerne, I must admit I was the one who offered the $ for #19, before the places were given. When that dog won I made the comment it would be even harder to purchase now!!! Never been much of a July Man but when I see one I like, the breeding is at the bottom of list for me. You all put on a good show and have some very nice hounds. If you change your mind offer still stands! Marc

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Thanks Mark. A good hound is a good hound to me regardless of color or who owns him. I raise Julys, but when I see good hound work I am the first to give credit. I love to BS about the breeds with people that don't have to make it personal. Conversely those that feel they must slander the owner of a dog I have no use for. I call a spade a spade and that doesn't always go over well. This whole thing is about raising better dogs and having fun while doing it. I have only sold my best hound twice in my life and once was when I tried to quit because of a butthead that was allowed to print a bunch of lies about myself and the hounds. I feel like #'s 2 & 19 are my wife and my best pups now, so that is why I would not sell. I look forward to meeting and trialing with you when I get this leg healed up. My second surgery was put off at least a month yesterday. That puts me out to around 2 1/2 months before I can put any weight on this leg. Sure hope my team can hang in there doing my share of the work that long!

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Laverne, I remember a pair of females you had a few years ago when we were coming up to your hunts that Frank tried to buy. Are these some of the same blood lines? They were sure good ones. I know its been hard on you to be laid up. Are any of you coming to Barts pup hunt thr 9th? Tell Margaret hello for me.

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

congrads Laverne & everyone else that placed I had alot of fun. Eli told me 19 was a Sampson pup ? We didn't see much of him but I herd some others talking about him he must be a good one . Hope your leg gets better. And Chris from where we were I had # 13 to win nice pup . Laverne go easy on Mitch he tries hard.See You all soon Smitty.

Re: Run N EZ foxpen April results

Hi Patty. I don't remember which pups they were, but may have been Blaze and a littermate. Blaze was a real dominant track driver with a ton of hours. The 19 pup on the dam side goes back to a super track gyp I had called Shirley. She was run over by a train on one of her first winter time outside hunts. She had put the slip on the other hounds and was driving the yote by herself when struck by a train. She lost a rear leg and her tail. I just could not bring myself to destroy her. I nursed her back to health in our basement. Having little use for a crippled hound, I gave her to Wig Tallant. Wig raised pups from her, including a gyp he called Stripper. From all accounts I have heard, Stripper was pretty hard to "run on". The 19 pup is out of a daughter of Stripper and the Sampson male Tracy got from Smitty. So you see sometimes payback for a good deed takes time, but good deeds always have a way of enriching one's life. So a shorter answer is yes, she goes back to my better stock and yes, her sire is Sampson. Bart has a nice pen, but after being there last fall it is evident that it does not fit my style of hound. I may be old fashioned, but I like for a hound to need to use his nose once in awhile. Definitely NOT bashing the pen or Bart. Bart treated us first class. Our dogs just don't fit that pen. I will tell Margaret hello and cannot wait to see you folks at a trial again.