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Big Valley is about to roar!

OK guys the Missouri Open is about to start. I'll be there tomorrow to stir the pot a little so get ready! Much fun and laughter will be had and I feel I won't be lonely in the clapping section when its over. Three six hour days in the Big Valley isn't for the faint at heart. So you July guys are welcome to come and visit anyway, we'll treat you with hospitality second to none! I'll try to revisit the Valley late in May and run a shorter houred hunt so the julys can join in so whichever one you choose to go to I hope to see ya there! Mitch

Re: Big Valley is about to roar!

what do you mean clapping section, you should do very good you have hunting,trailing and the prosses of elimination going for you. some good dogs should get scratched and that should move you on up. good luck were pulling for you.

Re: Big Valley is about to roar!

The boys from Alton will be making the trip. This is our first three day hunt, we're looking forward to it and visiting with fellow hunters