
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Slow or Fast

Masterfox is dull today. We need to inject some spring in this ole board. Let's start with the fellow from the eastern fox hunting world. Ole what's his name, Barry somebody. Say, what rock has he been hiding under lately? Snot Poppers, (you know them ole rule book dogs) now that what he breeds.

Then we have the Lousiana Storm Dogs. (Always trying to catch lightin' in a bottle). They have been called NASCAR dogs. You know, crowd pleasers, always swapping out on the front end.

Then there's Reddot dogs. Track dogs, sack dogs or black dogs?

Straight Nation dogs. Ask Charlie?

What is your brand Stan?

Re: Slow or Fast

You must have over looked Barry's favorite kind of hound and cartoon. The ROAD RUNNER, can't get in the back of the race always trying to head them off at the pass! If I recall he said them was his favorites to judge!