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Lofton's Godfather and Lofton's Jeremiah in NC

Godfather and Jeremiah are both in North East North Carolina for a limited time. Their pedigree speaks for itself, producing hounds that win 3 day hunts, HGA hunts or 1 day speed and drive. You can look at any hunt results in any state and you will find dogs off of these hounds winning hunts. I would like to thank Mr. Lofton and Kelly Parker for letting me get these hounds for a short time. Stud fee is $200. Call me if you need any more info. on these hounds at 252-337-5874. Mr. Lofton has also sent some puppies up here if anyone is interested. All pups are male.

Re: Lofton's Godfather and Lofton's Jeremiah in NC

All the pups have been spoken for. If a person don't show i will repost them again.