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O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Men, woman, and children.. The big one is right around the corner. Just got news that there is over 50 in the young and over 40 in the old. Some say this will be the hunt of the year because you don't get to practice at K-L. These is where all the little boys and big boys come together. Some say that Eddie robertson is coming while others say he will be a no show again. Some say Steve O is coming that is like taking candy away from a baby!! Lets get down to the big boys.. Some people say they had to change a name of a road in louisana. They have changed it to the Sam Power road. Word is the power is coming and Sam is bringing her. Mr O'Neal will be there with the rocket power. Some say pop will show. Pop will always make a show due to getting all the good puppies from his buddy Don. Some say the new kids on the block is coming and they will be playing the song Kids Rock. And for backups they will have blue speckled leg puppies that look like speck-a-lik. Preacher is coming, when he comes through the gate he will have the bible in one hand and little spotted gyp in the other. The man coming out of Texas will be the dark horse. He will driving a black 4-door chev. Skinny will also be attending he could be the very dark horse. All I have to say to each and everyone of you is to be ready. The new kids on the block says they are coming to take it all.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Letter to the editor-

Dear Editor- I'm bringing the Trophy back & sending it home with someone! Good luck to all!

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Steve O we all know you won this hunt last year I hope you have enjoyed that tropy because in about five days you will have kiss it good bye

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Ya- I'm gunna send it home with somebody- I said that in the above post! My pups will be in the young class & it's being given away in the old class! I'm not running for the trophy or candy- I'm collecting dead presidents!

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

When the sun sets Saturday on K-L the winning hound will be resting in Umpire Arkansas. Kyle has been holding him back getting him ready for this one hunt. The few who has seen him run say that he is the real deal Gonna be a showdown!!

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

I've talked to Runt he says this will be a tough hunt to win. He sayed all the big boys will be there. Me Myself I'm looking for somewhere else to go, But have not found anywhere else to go so I guess I can't dodge. SHURE HOPE the OLD PRO's don't get beat by the Rookie's.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Just talked to a man sayed Steven Lewter and Jody Crowell would be ready for everybody coming. I think I'm getting scared.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Steveo will loose the trophy but it will stay close to malvern

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege


Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

the tension is getting high. just happened to be on the computor working on google and saw the area photos. we put in kilbourne louisiana and there was pop and preacher ratley with all there little units in a circle with preacher placing his hand on there head to say a little prayer. then we went and saw mr o'neal coming out of walmart. we noticed that ms o'neal had her hands full. she was carring a arm load of the round dougnuts that you put in a swimming pool. i think the count was nine. so nine of you can have a soft ride back home. then we moved the google further south to the power road. the photos from the air showed mr powers in the icebox and he just got back from the vet. we moved the google and tried to catch the new kids on the block but they were not to be found today. i think the best time to catch them will be wednesday. part 3 tomorrow night...

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Just got the news that all Walmarts is going to have their pepto bismol on sale this weekend all you hunters might wont to pick up a bottle or two because the news is the new kids on the block our ready explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on some pups.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

What I hear is the trophy is going an hour north west of hope. You boys better get ready for the invasion.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Will eddy robertson show or will he be a no show?He bought the pup that won at circle t,and i heard there was a man say that he would pay the entry fee if he would bring him.Eddy i heard is looking for every excuse not to come.Come on eddy we want to see what he is made of

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Please help. Stephen Lewter needs driving directions to K&L but he wont need much details because this will be the last time he will be going there anyway after the kitty cat kid gets through with him (again!!) He might be interested in one of oneals cushings for the ride back.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Steveo clean that trophy up for me would ya.I jus took a picture off the wall to make room for it! Thanks

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

I'll have the trophy ready big fella! Talked to Runt earlier & he's got out around 100 numbers and people on a waiting list

Get em ready boys & bring some money for a calcutta

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

from what I have heard today everyone is getting geared and ready. we got on google area photos today and move to the north part of the state toward hot springs. we went to robertson heat and air. he was sitting in his backyard trying to figure out what he was going to bring to k-l saturday. he was pacing back and forth from one dog pen to the next. he finally made a decision when he tied 5 up. so I guess those were the 5 that he will bring. then we moved over to efrid farms. there was skinny and kyle swimming their puppies in the hog pond. skinny told kyle we may not out run them but we will kill them off by the smell. we went to donaldson,ark over to hixon lane. there was micheal swimming his dogs in the pond in front of his house. all of a sudden there was a cloud of dust, it was steve o he was wanting to use the pond to swim his pups. micheal told him no to go back home and put them on the horse walker. then we went across I-30 to shelton's kennels. bad mistake we thought we were looking at walker dogs but they were miniture beagles. we then decided to leave and see if we could find the new kids on the block. they are still not visible. we will try again tomorrow. look for part 4. someone said all the pepto, swimming doughnuts and puke buckets are sold out at walmart.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Runt i was jus wondering if u was gona have tissues for all the cry babbies? Oh yeah dont for get to open the gate before you call it out so it dont get tore down when i send them boys out with tears in there eyes!

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

H*ll Michael uses the pond behind his house...lol!

everyone's awefully quiet!?!?!?!?

This should be a good one!!!!

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

We drove down to Umpire today because we been hearing about Kyle's secret weapon and when we pulled up and walked in the Kennels we saw a picture of SteveO and his hounds hanging up in front of this long legged red and white dog. All Kyle kept saying is he's ready, he's ready, he's ready to roll!! Good luck SteveO Going down to Kid Rock country tommorow and see what Mr. Heath Davis has in store for you boys

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Eddie is comin and comin for us all? He has been spotted getin dogs from mt dew to circle t! where all has he been? this is gettin ugly

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

sky cam was everywhere today ark, la, and tx. we went to tx first to see the man in the 4 door chev. he had his new wife and his dad jogging his dogs up and down the road on a unicycle. we jumped it to hot springs right quick to check on eddie. my god, there was todd noles and johnny bratton all in a circle holding hands. eddie was praying, God please let me win this one. moved down to kilbourne la. preacher was just relaxing today taking a nap. shot over to pop's place. pop had one on a treadmill and the other one swimming in a water tank for cows. ms crosby was saying, pop you will do anything to win. then went to the o'neal house just across the country. mr and mrs o'neal was sitting in the backyard drinking tea. they were just having a relaxing day in the sun. she said, now o'neal when you win I need a new set of blinds for the front bedroom and a new rug for the backdoor. Also a new tea maker. went to find the new kids on the block. we finally got them in vision. one of them was sitting on a bucket and took his teeth out trying to clean them. the other one was steady gripping about putting the teeth back in his mouth and figure out what we are going to do. Got vision of some robutisn and lots of pepto. went back to malvern, ark. we went to steve o kennels. and there was his wife and steve. she was rocking him like a baby in a rocking chair while he had a pacifier in his mouth. the whole time she was telling him that it was going to be okay. part 5 tomorrow night.

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Well we went down south today to the great state of Louisiana. We stopped by to see these Kid Rocks everybody has been talking about. O man they look like well oiled machines! Heath had a serious look on his face. Didn't say alot. We could tell that this is not going to be an ordinary hunt. The stakes are high people!!! Our last question to Mr. Davis before we left was who is the man to beat? He looked at us with those confident eyes and said, any other time i would call a man out, but not on this one. To many good pups going to be there. Its simply going to be a shootout!! Good luck to all

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

Jus got back from wallmart.I ran into phill and kyle they were getin sun burn meds for kyle he had been in the hog pond all day.all he could say is there ready! there ready! so we better look out! Runt could you please bring soap? he stunk real bad! Im bringin all my kids so would yall please watch out when i send yall out the gate with tears in your eyes! This is gona be a great hunt! good luck to everyone

Re: O'Neal Hemphill Champion Challege

thHad a good turn out & lots of fun!

Glad that Mr. Oneal got to take his trophy home!

Congrats to all that won and placed!