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distemper advice ?

have 2 10 mnth old pup that have been coughing and have a green yellow discharge out of nose. been coughn 4 days but stil eat good but act lil sluggish? dogs have been dying of distemper n our area . how long does distemper symptoms last .

Re: distemper advice ?

distemper can last up to a 2 or more weeks.It is a slow death lost a 1 litter and big dog last year.If they do have it more than likely they will not make it.If you need info you can call me eneytime at 18434990863 thanks scott

Re: distemper advice ?

I battled that last year and the only way I was able to save mine was LA-200 and pennecillan mixed in a three cc syringe orally twice a day for a week.

Re: distemper advice ?

pups ate good this morning and had lil more pep. been giving 2cc tylan 50 FOR 3 DAYS and 1cc of b 12. ALSO GIVING ENSURE 2 HELP IMMUNE SYSTEM STILL NO VOMITTING AND STOOL LOOKS GOOD