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Southern il day 1

Solid running. Chuck ritchey leads derby with a dog named speck 500pts. Faos leads aa with a white gyp of vaupels. Paul west has 3 or 4 in top 10 in derby. Hoehners have several in top ten. day 2 should be good.

Re: Southern il day 1

Any word on the bench show? Thanks.

Re: Southern il day 1

Shane, it was a huge bench show. Frank Smith's Barney placed second in the all age male division. Frank placed first in the derby female class with a Chopper gyp. Not quite certain and better not mention the BIS or the BOS as do not wish to make a mistake on here. Jerrod Vaupel or some of the management crew will scribe the official bench placings soon. 19 in the derby male class.
Speck was the high scoring hound in both the derby and the all age stake today. 500 speed and drive points plus the 50 in endurance but plenty of competition very close to his point accumulation. Tomorrow is another day and someone will list the official results of the derby class field winners as well as the bench information.

Re: Southern il day 1

heard FAOS put two in top ten in the Derby and that they was sitting 1st, 4t, 8th, going out tomorrow in the all age...heard the hoehners had some looking good as well and frank smith did as well...thats all i know....

heard they rocked and rolled today, but running did break down just a little bit so that the cream could rise to the top....hopefully full postings will be posted soon.......