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trying to put new trip together. north ms to sheridan montana

if some one needs a dog hauled that direction .give me a call.i,m trying to get things together for a trip in about 3 weeks .thanks and god bless randy king

Re: trying to put new trip together. north ms to sheridan montana

Randy if you come up 35 I am about half way between you and Sherida, if you need a stop over the door is alway open to a fellow hound man. I will have some open pens to rest dogs in and some good Kansas steaks on the grill.
Let me know if I can help in any way

Re: trying to put new trip together. north ms to sheridan montana

thank you .this is the second time you have made this wonderful offer.i do thank you .i will know in a week or so if i will make the trip .i just need to get enought dogs .i think the bear dog people and cat and coon dog folks will be chirping and asking question before long.so time will tell.i need to pick a lab up for a man and bring to south ms .that is why im trying to make the trip .thank you again for the most gracious offer .god bless randy king