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We just got news that Heath Davis's son Haydan just got bit by the neighbor's dog. He is being transported to Shrevport. He is 3 years old. PLease have him in all your prayers and thoughts. As soon as we find out word of his condition we will up-date!

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This is terrible. We will most certainly keep him in our prayers as well as Heath and Michelle.Keep us informed on his condition.

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We are praying for Hayden, You,and Michelle. Hope everything is ok.

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Prayers already said for the Davis family.

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Will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. GOD will take care of him!

God Bless!

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Heath and Michelle, your baby and family are in our prayers.

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My wife and I will be prayn as well as my MOM and DAD

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Hayden is out of surgery and doing well. The bite missed his eye ball and got his tear duct. The tear duct was damaged beyond repair but the doctor says he'll be fine without it. He is in a room at LSUS. The doctor will check in at 11 am to determine if he can go home today. Thanks for continued prayers.

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I can't imagine, I have a 3 yr old daughter. don't wont to even imagine going through somehting like this with her. I pray for a speedy recovery.

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Will do!

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we will have heath and your family in our prayers .we prayed last night for the best .god bless randy and cheryl king

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Great news I have had to deal with two severe dog bites in children in my line of work. One was just last week and he is gonna be fine the other lived for a few hours and died at Childrens and he was my cousins son. So glad to hear that Heaths son is gonna be alright

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the darlington family is saying prayers for the davis family. joey and amanda darlington. god bless .

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Good news very happy for you all....Tye

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Glad he is ok, Heath we hope the best for him.

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Heath; Glad to hear your son is going to be OK! Always remember that GOD is always in control ,and we can never be in better hands! Hope he has a speedy recovery,and GOD BLESS you and your family.

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We are praying for your son!

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We did find out that Hayden is still doing okay. The hospital (LSUS) is keeping him tonight and possibly tomorrow night to monitor his eye for dog bacteria/prevent infection. We look for him to come home Tuesday or Wednesday. Heath and Michelle say the prayers are working, and to keep em coming!

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Heath, glad to hear Haydan is doing better. We will keep him in our prayers. If you need a good rifle, I got one....

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Thanks to everyone we are still at hospital be home tomorrow

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Heath our entire family have and will continue to pray for your family and a speedy recovery for Hayden.

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Heath wish all the best. Me and my family will be praying for you guys.

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More prayers from Iowa, and praying he makes a complete recovery. God be with you.

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We are home. I want to thank everyone for prayers and all the calls. Foxhunters are great people. Thanks again to everyone. God bless everyone. Hayden hopes to see everyone at next hunt.

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Heath and Michelle, we're proud your "little man" is home and doing so much better.
God takes care of his little ones.

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Heath glad to here your lil man is out of hospital an doing good