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Trichells Bone Yard Classic- Puppy Hunt 2010

Are still going to have the hunt. If you want you can run your 14 month july hounds against our pups.
We dont care just want to run in your pen again. Make sure you bring Tom with you. He trys to keep you honest bless him. I know its a tough job for him, but he trys. After this week end we will be ready. Name the date and time when you off.

Re: Trichells Bone Yard Classic- Puppy Hunt 2010

Hunt Emerson, AR

After talking with Kim we have named Tom Mouser our Master of Hounds on this one. We just need to confirm a date and time. Nice pen good running, just make sure they like to run. Winnings are pending ?? He sold the those july hounds sure would have been a good cross to give a duck hunters lab some speed. They were mans best friend, always at your feet or command.

Re: Trichells Bone Yard Classic- Puppy Hunt 2010

Aftern talking with Cody Gregory he accepted our offer. As Jr hound master. He would like this to be a buddy hunt @ $10.00 a pup. With side bets, what do you think Kim ?? With you grilling the steaks and BYOB.

Re: Trichells Bone Yard Classic- Puppy Hunt 2010

Mike if you got any good derby numbers for AR State S&D that your not gonna use please call me 1-501-837-7165.

Re: Trichells Bone Yard Classic- Puppy Hunt 2010

Where is this going to be held at and what is the date of the hunt?

Re: Trichells Bone Yard Classic- Puppy Hunt 2010

Hope to confirm a few things tonite w/ the owner. Hes a little scared but. It would be in Emerson,AR.